fully featured.

food & environment reporting network

empowering an independent, nonprofit news organization with a custom publishing platform.


a tailored home page

We worked with the FERN, an investigative journalism non-profit in New York, to amplify their online voice. In designing and building a comprehensive digital publishing platform, we have created donation tools, social media templates, and publishing tools. This latest design gave the editorial team a vast new canvas to create layouts using the Wordpress Gutenberg editor.

article designs with expansive layout possibilities

categories and series pages provide an organizing structure to articles

a map of FERN articles

reporters pages

a flexible donation system

customized for apple news, google amp, and facebook news platforms

create modals with ease

logo geometry

logo design

promotional graphics, including a podcast identity

a banner system to easily create, show and hide campaigns

social media graphics using canva templates

original t-shirts designs, available at bonfire.com

Working with South Bend Design has been a fantastic experience. Jeff’s design and development skills are unmatched. Projects come in on time and on budget and look amazing. Every time.

Tom Laskawy, Co-founder and executive director


GDPR compliance

content licensing tools


google AMP

apple news

google analytics

advertising system

modal system

banner system



Tom Laskawy, Executive Director

Sam Fromartz, Editor-in-chief

South Bend Design:

Jeff Fassnacht, Web Design and Development

Dan Jaworsky, Web Development

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contact us

415 489 0678