
new york university – furrther

an app that engages stroke survivors in healthier behaviors


admin dashboard

The study name, FURRThER, stands for Families/Friends Understanding Risk Reduction Through Educational Reinforcement. Friends and families collaborate by using the app to improve the unhealthy behaviors of stroke survivors. Stroke survivors and their family set goals as a group, track progress and support one another by celebrating accomplishments.

the app celebrates behavior changes by stoke survivors

three main sections of the app

furrther is a progressive web app

We built this as a progressive web application to take advantage of the latest technologies, and combine the best of web and mobile apps. Think of a PWA as a website that acts and feels like a native app.

wordpress as a PWA

custom onboarding wizard for admins


progressive web app

wordpress cms



detailed analytics



New York University:

Bernadette Boden-Albala, DrPH, MPH (Principal Investigator)
Nina S. Parikh, PhD, MPH (Clinical Associate Professor)
Emily Goldman, MD, MPH (Clinical assistant researcher)
Noa Appleton, MPH (Research coordinator)

South Bend Design:

Jeff Fassnacht, Design and web development
Dan Jaworsky, web development

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